Executive Director

GMT Publishing

« Building, creating, believing and writing. »

Brice has an entrepreneurial spirit; his head is always full of ideas and he loves to throw himself into new projects. He is the founder of magazines GMT and Skippers, of which he’s editor-in-chief; he also created the Geneva Watch Tour, and has just launched the Fine Watch Club for watch collectors. At work his time is split between sailing and watches, and his free time is spent with his family and in outdoor pursuits. After completing his first marathon in 3 hours 41 minutes, this lover of challenges has taken on new heights with the Matterhorn Ultraks in Zermatt or the Sierre-Zinal race also called the “Race of the Five 4000m Peaks”. With a pen and persistence you can move mountains.

Brice has an entrepreneurial spirit; his head is always full of ideas and he loves to throw himself into new projects. He is the founder of magazines GMT and Skippers, of which he’s editor-in-chief; he also created the Geneva Watch Tour, and has just launched the Fine Watch Club for watch collectors. At work his time is split between sailing and watches, and his free time is spent with his family and in outdoor pursuits. After completing his first marathon in 3 hours 41 minutes, this lover of challenges has taken on new heights with the Matterhorn Ultraks in Zermatt or the Sierre-Zinal race also called the “Race of the Five 4000m Peaks”. With a pen and persistence you can move mountains.


Operations & Digital Director


« Live life to the full. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today because tomorrow might be too late. »

Always searching for ways to optimise website performance, Cyrille’s brain works at a hundred miles an hour. As WorldTempus Operations Director, he scrutinises the different levers and finds ways to boost traffic and grow audiences. He believes communication is key, and that successful team and project management means putting the right people in charge of the right tasks. When it’s time to switch off, don’t be surprised to see this accomplished pianist – 40 years pounding out jazz and boogie woogie – on stage at some of the biggest festivals in the world, where he’s shared billing with the genre’s top musicians.

Always searching for ways to optimise website performance, Cyrille’s brain works at a hundred miles an hour. As WorldTempus Operations Director, he scrutinises the different levers and finds ways to boost traffic and grow audiences. He believes communication is key, and that successful team and project management means putting the right people in charge of the right tasks. When it’s time to switch off, don’t be surprised to see this accomplished pianist – 40 years pounding out jazz and boogie woogie – on stage at some of the biggest festivals in the world, where he’s shared billing with the genre’s top musicians.


Sales Director


« 90% is in the mind! » - Mike Horn

No two days are alike for WorldTempus’s Sales Director, Liah. When she isn’t on the phone with customers, she’s brainstorming with the rest of the team to create new offers and opportunities for the website’s partners. No matter how busy she is — and she is! — Liah always finds time to offer an opinion or help out a colleague. Even after a non-stop day in the office, this mother-of-three, including twins, still has energy to spare, which she pours into her family and her love of travel, scuba diving, good food and, believe it or not, volcanoes!

No two days are alike for WorldTempus’s Sales Director, Liah. When she isn’t on the phone with customers, she’s brainstorming with the rest of the team to create new offers and opportunities for the website’s partners. No matter how busy she is — and she is! — Liah always finds time to offer an opinion or help out a colleague. Even after a non-stop day in the office, this mother-of-three, including twins, still has energy to spare, which she pours into her family and her love of travel, scuba diving, good food and, believe it or not, volcanoes!


Sale Representative


« Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars. » - Oscar Wilde

Whether shooting for the moon or developing retail partnerships for WorldTempus, Fiona has more than one string to her bow. Meticulous, organised and focused, she’s never one to rest on her laurels. Always prepared for the unexpected, she “keeps calm and keeps smiling”, letting nothing faze her. Self-discipline, adaptability and responsiveness are all qualities she learned from her passion for horses and the years of competitive riding that helped forge her character. Fiona’s other love, watches, also goes back to her childhood. When her father set up a watch brand in the early 2000s, he named one of the models after her!

Whether shooting for the moon or developing retail partnerships for WorldTempus, Fiona has more than one string to her bow. Meticulous, organised and focused, she’s never one to rest on her laurels. Always prepared for the unexpected, she “keeps calm and keeps smiling”, letting nothing faze her. Self-discipline, adaptability and responsiveness are all qualities she learned from her passion for horses and the years of competitive riding that helped forge her character. Fiona’s other love, watches, also goes back to her childhood. When her father set up a watch brand in the early 2000s, he named one of the models after her!


Editor in chief


« Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness sand streams in the wasteland. » (Isaiah 43:18–19)

Suzanne can often be seen wandering around the open-space office, lost in thought, preparing her next editorial for WorldTempus. For she needs to assemble and put in order all the information she collects on a subject that fascinates her to no end: watchmaking. And then pass on her knowledge to her readers. It is this challenge that drives Suzanne, alongside two other long-standing passions: literature and music. There are also other temporal activities she enjoys, and discovering new Geneva eateries is an essential one for her!

Suzanne can often be seen wandering around the open-space office, lost in thought, preparing her next editorial for WorldTempus. For she needs to assemble and put in order all the information she collects on a subject that fascinates her to no end: watchmaking. And then pass on her knowledge to her readers. It is this challenge that drives Suzanne, alongside two other long-standing passions: literature and music. There are also other temporal activities she enjoys, and discovering new Geneva eateries is an essential one for her!


Editorial Director

« All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them. » - Walt Disney

Sophie has loved writing stories ever since she was a little girl when she had a network of pen pals that she would write to all over the world. While you may be accustomed to reading her articles that involve sharing her passion for watchmaking, you’ll also find her writing in the publications of various charitable organizations to which she devotes a portion of her time. She also loves mentoring and accompanies a handful of students from different universities each year. On a winter lunchtime, you will often find her, and colleague Alexandra Montandon, doing a cold water plunge in the Lac Leman. Their record is 3 minutes at 4.7 degrees Centigrade!

Sophie has loved writing stories ever since she was a little girl when she had a network of pen pals that she would write to all over the world. While you may be accustomed to reading her articles that involve sharing her passion for watchmaking, you’ll also find her writing in the publications of various charitable organizations to which she devotes a portion of her time. She also loves mentoring and accompanies a handful of students from different universities each year. On a winter lunchtime, you will often find her, and colleague Alexandra Montandon, doing a cold water plunge in the Lac Leman. Their record is 3 minutes at 4.7 degrees Centigrade!


Deputy Editor in chief

GMT Magazine

« You gotta have a dream. If you don't have a dream, how you gonna have a dream come true? » - Oscar Hammerstein II

Everyone loves Marie. Including people who don’t know her! And so they should. The lighthearted elegance that runs through her stories elevates debate and wraps readers in a cocoon of words where they can soak up new information or read simply for pleasure. Matching her sparkling prose is the sparkle in her eyes that’s always appreciated by colleagues and the people she meets in the context of her job. Anyone who has ever worked with Marie will vouch for her professional attitude, her dedication and her capacity to stay organised: the adaptability and skills that are often lifesavers in a small publishing company where there is always something to do!

Everyone loves Marie. Including people who don’t know her! And so they should. The lighthearted elegance that runs through her stories elevates debate and wraps readers in a cocoon of words where they can soak up new information or read simply for pleasure. Matching her sparkling prose is the sparkle in her eyes that’s always appreciated by colleagues and the people she meets in the context of her job. Anyone who has ever worked with Marie will vouch for her professional attitude, her dedication and her capacity to stay organised: the adaptability and skills that are often lifesavers in a small publishing company where there is always something to do!


Managing Editor


« Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.” - Henry Ford

Allissa is at the helm of WorldTempus, with particular responsibility for editorial planning and coordinating the articles published on the website. She regularly works with videographers, translators and brands, and as a true reading and writing enthusiast, she writes articles when her (often busy!) schedule allows. Her formula to decompress? Sport! So, it's with her sneakers on that this accomplished sportswoman takes to the hiking trails and gyms in her spare time.

Allissa is at the helm of WorldTempus, with particular responsibility for editorial planning and coordinating the articles published on the website. She regularly works with videographers, translators and brands, and as a true reading and writing enthusiast, she writes articles when her (often busy!) schedule allows. Her formula to decompress? Sport! So, it’s with her sneakers on that this accomplished sportswoman takes to the hiking trails and gyms in her spare time.


Head of Digital Marketing and Social Media


« There is no human problem that does not have a solution, because that solution is in us. » - Alfred Sauvy

Analysing problems, identifying solutions and finding the right tools to put them into practice: welcome to Jessica’s world. Automation, sales scenarios and funnels, analytics, community management, web mastering… from digital marketing to social media management, she whips digital into shape with equal amounts of organisation and determination. Not forgetting a healthy dose of creativity, which also comes in handy during her free time. A DIY master, an avid reader of graphic novels and a wizard with a pastry whisk, Jessica always has at least one creative project on the go.

Analysing problems, identifying solutions and finding the right tools to put them into practice: welcome to Jessica’s world. Automation, sales scenarios and funnels, analytics, community management, web mastering… from digital marketing to social media management, she whips digital into shape with equal amounts of organisation and determination. Not forgetting a healthy dose of creativity, which also comes in handy during her free time. A DIY master, an avid reader of graphic novels and a wizard with a pastry whisk, Jessica always has at least one creative project on the go.


SEO Executive


« never lose. I either win or learn. » - Nelson Mandela

As webmaster and SEO executive of WorldTempus, David wears several hats. When his eyes are on his computer screen, it’s almost impossible to break his concentration. He can happily spend the day studying algorithms, coding and penetrating the secrets of digital marketing without raising his eyes from his screen. For him, there’s no problem that doesn’t have a solution. He is an avid learner, and likes to teach himself new things, mainly about e-commerce and new technologies. However, outside of work his main focus is his three children, with whom he spends most of his free time.

As webmaster and SEO executive of WorldTempus, David wears several hats. When his eyes are on his computer screen, it’s almost impossible to break his concentration. He can happily spend the day studying algorithms, coding and penetrating the secrets of digital marketing without raising his eyes from his screen. For him, there’s no problem that doesn’t have a solution. He is an avid learner, and likes to teach himself new things, mainly about e-commerce and new technologies. However, outside of work his main focus is his three children, with whom he spends most of his free time.


Webmaster Coordinator​

GMT Publishing

« Happiness is not at the top of the mountain, but in how to climb. » - Confucius

Whether designing websites, structuring content or providing system support, Sylvain’s organisational skills go hand-in-hand with the pleasure he gets from working as a team… for the benefit of the team and customers. Enthusiastic and creative, he has a particular interest in process optimisation as a way to make operations more efficient across the multiple projects he leads. A role not unlike that of an orchestra conductor for this 3rd dan in karate who’s as much at home in the dojo as he is driving crowds of electro fans wild with turntable tricks.​

Whether designing websites, structuring content or providing system support, Sylvain’s organisational skills go hand-in-hand with the pleasure he gets from working as a team… for the benefit of the team and customers. Enthusiastic and creative, he has a particular interest in process optimisation as a way to make operations more efficient across the multiple projects he leads. A role not unlike that of an orchestra conductor for this 3rd dan in karate who’s as much at home in the dojo as he is driving crowds of electro fans wild with turntable tricks.



Head of HR Finance & Administration

GMT Publishing

« Here is my secret. It is very simple. One only sees clearly with the heart. What is essential is invisible to the eye. » - Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Alexandra, head of administration and finance, always seems to be smiling. Her philosophy can be summed up by Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem “If”. Whatever the situation, she looks for solutions, tries to secure the best outcome and always brings out the best in people and their work. She enjoys organising and having to think on her feet. She loves to travel, and is always looking for new places to explore and rich new experiences to discover. She couldn’t imagine living anywhere that wasn’t near water.

Alexandra, head of administration and finance, always seems to be smiling. Her philosophy can be summed up by Rudyard Kipling’s famous poem “If”. Whatever the situation, she looks for solutions, tries to secure the best outcome and always brings out the best in people and their work. She enjoys organising and having to think on her feet. She loves to travel, and is always looking for new places to explore and rich new experiences to discover. She couldn’t imagine living anywhere that wasn’t near water.


Editorial assistant Skippers

Administration & Accounting

GMT Publishing

« Luck governs a little more than half of our actions, and we’re in control of the rest. » - Machiavel

Immersed in checking over an article before sending the next issue of Skippers off to the printer before the deadline, Julien may have to break his concentration to look at an invoice before contacting a supplier. His job is multifaceted, but that’s fine because he likes to know how organisations work by playing the role of facilitator. Julien’s insatiable curiosity leads him to devour current affairs in every format. He’s a voracious reader, as well as being a committed member of his local community. Any free time that remains is devoted to his other great passion: cooking.

Immersed in checking over an article before sending the next issue of Skippers off to the printer before the deadline, Julien may have to break his concentration to look at an invoice before contacting a supplier. His job is multifaceted, but that’s fine because he likes to know how organisations work by playing the role of facilitator. Julien’s insatiable curiosity leads him to devour current affairs in every format. He’s a voracious reader, as well as being a committed member of his local community. Any free time that remains is devoted to his other great passion: cooking.


Sales Manager & Social Media

Sales Manager & Social Media GMT Magazine

GMT Magazine

« Carpe Diem »

Camille is fascinated by the creative and technical world of watchmaking, and took to the role of sales manager for GMT like a fish to water. In her view, the key to positive collaboration is ensuring a “win-win” situation, which is why she does her best to meet the requests of advertisers. She thrives on the human contact her job involves, and enjoys meeting new people. After moving to Geneva in 2017 she had a go at paddle boarding, and has discovered a new passion. When the sun shines at the weekend she likes nothing better than to paddle along the shores of Lake Geneva.

Camille is fascinated by the creative and technical world of watchmaking, and took to the role of sales manager for GMT like a fish to water. In her view, the key to positive collaboration is ensuring a “win-win” situation, which is why she does her best to meet the requests of advertisers. She thrives on the human contact her job involves, and enjoys meeting new people. After moving to Geneva in 2017 she had a go at paddle boarding, and has discovered a new passion. When the sun shines at the weekend she likes nothing better than to paddle along the shores of Lake Geneva.


Editor in chief

Skippers Magazine​

« There’s always a positive way to look at things. The harder the road, the more amazing the view! »

The hypnotic click-clack of a computer keyboard in the morning, accompanied by the smell of coffee… and then Laurent’s gruff voice breaks the silence and rouses Quentin from his daydream. It’s in this peaceful, congenial atmosphere that he is most productive. The deputy editor-in-chief of Skippers Voile & Océan thrives on human contact, the inexhaustible diversity of his subjects, and the incredible lakes and oceans that are his daily playground, both at work and in his free time. Quentin never misses an opportunity to sail. He doesn’t mind how, as long as the view is good and the experience is enriching.

The hypnotic click-clack of a computer keyboard in the morning, accompanied by the smell of coffee… and then Laurent’s gruff voice breaks the silence and rouses Quentin from his daydream. It’s in this peaceful, congenial atmosphere that he is most productive. The deputy editor-in-chief of Skippers Voile & Océan thrives on human contact, the inexhaustible diversity of his subjects, and the incredible lakes and oceans that are his daily playground, both at work and in his free time. Quentin never misses an opportunity to sail. He doesn’t mind how, as long as the view is good and the experience is enriching.


Sales Manager

Skippers & SNG Magazine

« (I can’t get no) Satisfaction. » - The Rolling Stones

Cool, calm and collected, Louis came to Skippers after earning his stripes as marketing director at the legendary Tofinou shipyard in La Rochelle, before heading off to Malta for new adventures selling prestige yachts. Always eager to discover new horizons, he puts his listening skills and his sales management skills to work for the magazine… always with the same smile that lights up his face whenever he hits the open road at the wheel of a vintage car; another of his lifelong passions.

Cool, calm and collected, Louis came to Skippers after earning his stripes as marketing director at the legendary Tofinou shipyard in La Rochelle, before heading off to Malta for new adventures selling prestige yachts. Always eager to discover new horizons, he puts his listening skills and his sales management skills to work for the magazine… always with the same smile that lights up his face whenever he hits the open road at the wheel of a vintage car; another of his lifelong passions.


Sales and Marketing Manager,

The Millennium Watch book

« Control what you can and let go of what you can’t »

When asked about his passions, Mathieu's answer is quick: "watches and cars". A master of the art of communication, Mathieu is driven by the desire to promote watchmaking culture through the Millennium Watch book. As the Sales and Marketing Manager, his days are never the same, punctuated by exchanges with retailers, publications on Instagram and visits to watchmaking events. On the weekends, you can catch Mathieu strolling the streets of Geneva, in search of the latest models of exotic cars, always for the pleasure of eyes!

When asked about his passions, Mathieu’s answer is quick: “watches and cars”. A master of the art of communication, Mathieu is driven by the desire to promote watchmaking culture through the Millennium Watch book. As the Sales and Marketing Manager, his days are never the same, punctuated by exchanges with retailers, publications on Instagram and visits to watchmaking events. On the weekends, you can catch Mathieu strolling the streets of Geneva, in search of the latest models of exotic cars, always for the pleasure of eyes!


Head content & Community Manager

Skippers Magazine

« When your work is your passion, your job becomes a lifestyle. »

Give him a couple of seconds and he’ll set up an impromptu photo shoot for GMT Magazine or the Fine Watch Club before heading out on a yacht to film a video for the Skippers YouTube channel. Armed with his camera, his drone, even his mobile phone, Sébastien is captain of content for Skippers’ social media. His strengths include his endless energy and a perpetual good mood, not forgetting a talent for multitasking that has earned him the office nickname of “Swiss army knife”. Always on the go, this accomplished athlete is equally at home operating a winch as he is racing down ski slopes.

Give him a couple of seconds and he’ll set up an impromptu photo shoot for GMT Magazine or the Fine Watch Club before heading out on a yacht to film a video for the Skippers YouTube channel. Armed with his camera, his drone, even his mobile phone, Sébastien is captain of content for Skippers’ social media. His strengths include his endless energy and a perpetual good mood, not forgetting a talent for multitasking that has earned him the office nickname of “Swiss army knife”. Always on the go, this accomplished athlete is equally at home operating a winch as he is racing down ski slopes.


Secretary General

Fine Watch Club

« Work hard, play harder ! »

When Jean-Christophe strides into GMT Publishing early each morning, the entire office is swept up in his cheerful mood. Experience and exchange are paramount for this hands-on guy who’s happiest at the heart of operations. Having spent years in the watch business, Jean-Christophe took to his role as Secretary-General of the Fine Watch Club like a fish to water and is always in the frontline when it comes to developing new opportunities for club members. Away from the office, this globetrotter’s twin passions of skiing and sailing are an outlet for the energy and enthusiasm which he has in abundance.

When Jean-Christophe strides into GMT Publishing early each morning, the entire office is swept up in his cheerful mood. Experience and exchange are paramount for this hands-on guy who’s happiest at the heart of operations. Having spent years in the watch business, Jean-Christophe took to his role as Secretary-General of the Fine Watch Club like a fish to water and is always in the frontline when it comes to developing new opportunities for club members. Away from the office, this globetrotter’s twin passions of skiing and sailing are an outlet for the energy and enthusiasm which he has in abundance.


GMT Publishing
Rue des Vollandes 23,
1207 Genève, Suisse
+41 22 404 20 00